Steve Stacey | Civil Celebrant
I work as a Civil Funeral Celebrant in Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Essex and North London.
I have conducted well over 2000 services. My background as a teacher, industrial trainer, master of ceremonies, disc jockey and event planner has helped enormously in dealing with the challenge of creating and conducting very special and personal funeral services.
As a trained Religious Education teacher, I have a good understanding of faith in today’s multi-cultural society.
Services are usually conducted in Crematoria but often include a burial instead of cremation. Some services have been held in the open air - on one memorable occasion in a foot of snow with a clear blue sky!
I also officiate at non-religious interment of ashes ceremonies. For many people, an essential part of the grieving process.
I have produced Funeral Slideshows since 2009. These have been used at hundreds of services and receptions and can be included in services that I conduct. They do add a very personal touch to an already special service. Being created by a celebrant is important.
Many crematoria now have their own screens to show pictures. I can produce slideshows for these to the same high standard, with presentation copies to treasure.
Tributes from around the world can also be included using these facilities.
Every person is unique with a story that is uniquely theirs. I try to capture that uniqueness in each service that I am privileged to conduct.
When I meet a family, we work together to create something very special for their loved one and for themselves.
Families get to see the scripts beforehand so that they make any last minute changes.
Sometimes the final script is sent all over the world and read at the same time as the service takes place. The families are given illustrated and bound scripts immediately after the service to keep as a memento and a PDF version if reguested to send to anyone who was unable to attend the service.